1. If someone is disfellowshipped, how common is it (if at all) for that person to NOT seek reinstatement, but to still adhere to most or all of the tenants/beliefs of the Jehovahs Witnesses? (Aside from attending meetings, going door to door, etc.). In other words, to continue to adhere to doctrine, without this sort of formal practice?
I believe you meant to say tenets/beliefs. It's very common for inactive JWs to still believe that the "organization" is "The Truth".
2. If one half of the couple in question desires to be reinstated, but the other does not, what would happen? Would or could one half of the couple do so? What would be the likely impact on the relationship if that person were to be reinstated? Would/could they even be reinstated in the scenario above?
Anyone can be reinstated by him/herself. It does not matter who they were with when they got disfellowshipped. And yes, this would make a major and negative impact on any couple's relationship with each other especially if they have children.
3. if someone were disfellowshipped for this reason, (or any reason, for that matter) how long does this process take, and what form does it take? How does it come about, and how is it carried out?
Once the judicial committee is formed by three elders the disfellowshipping can take place in as little as an hour. There is the possibility of appeal but the appeal committee usually rubberstamps the first committee's decision.
4. What are the problems with the scenario I have presented (the plot line I've described at the top of the post)? Based on the knowledge you have of the Jehovahs Witnesses, what are the "plot holes" in this idea?
No holes I could find but it might be good to know just a little about the non-Witness characters in case you can improve the contrast between your characters.
5. Is a more likely scenario for the couple in question to have walked away from the Jehovahs Witnesses, moved to a new town, but to have continued to adhere to the doctrine (or, for one of them to have continued to adhere to the doctrine)?
Fading is common amongst the JWs. A few still believe in it even after they have walked away. If the couple in your book simply walked away it would not make the emotional impact that a disfellowshipping would.
I recommend that you go through the threads and posts here, especially from the newbies, and you'll see a lot of grief and drama concerning married couples and their relationship with the Watchtower.